The 17th Annual Asan Memorial of Arts & Science Intercollegiate Volleyball & Football Tournaments were organised on 19th &20th March, 2024 in the college campus. 30 teams of players from various city colleges participated enthusiastically in the matches. The team from Hindustan College bagged the shield in Volleyball against Gurunanak College. The Football team from Dr.MGR Educational & Research Institute won the championship against Nazareth Colleges of Arts & Science. Dr. T. S. Santhi, Principal, gave away the trophies to the winning teams. Directors of Physical Education, Mr. K.Giridharan and Mr. C. Anandan, coordinated the tournaments.
The College gives pride of place to Sports activities.
We motivate and encourage our Students to participate in State and National level tournaments. The College is proud of their prestigious achievements in different categories of sports.
Annual Sports Day – 2022-2023
- The 29th Annual Sports Meet of Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science was celebrated on 16th March 2022. The Chief Guest, Mr. R. Balasubramani, Former Indian Volleyball Player & Manager, IOB , Mahalingapuram Branch in his address stressed on the importance of sports and games for a healthy lifestyle. Dr. T.S. Santhi, Principal, rendered the welcome address to the gathering. Mr.K.Giridharan, Director of Physical Education presented the Annual Sports Report. The Chief Guest delivered the Sports Day address and distributed the prizes to the winners of various games. The Individual Championship for Men was awarded to A. Tejas, III BBA and the Individual Championship for Women was won by S. Indhumathi of III B.Com (G) (Shift- II). The overall championship was bagged by B.B.A for Shift – I & B.Com (G) (Shift- II)
Inter-collegiate Volleyball and Football Tournament
Asan memorial college of arts and sciences conducted the prestigious 15 th asan memorial inter collegiate volleyball and football tournament on 20 th & 21 February 2020.