Dr. S. Annapoorni M.A., Ph.D., NET
Assistant Professor & Head
Dr. S. Annapoorni, M.A., Ph. D., NET, is an accomplished scholar and dedicated teacher of English. She has over 10 years of teaching experience at both UG and PG levels. Her research interests include literary theory, translation and women’s studies. She has authored over 5 books and several articles in journals. She has been a member of the NCERT textbook commission and has also conducted workshops on teaching and research writing.
Ph.D. Thesis Title:
Staging signs: Creating, Coding & Interpreting Select Perfomative Texts in Contemporary Indian Theatre
Research Interests: Indian Theatre, Women’s Writing, Translation Studies
2021 Word Art: An Approach to Literary Appreciation. For students of BA English, University of Madras. Co-Authors. Dr. Anita Balakrishnan & Dr. Sumathi Shivakumar. Chennai. Emerald Publications. ISBN 9789390677214.
2020 Book Review of Indira Parthasarathy’s Three Plays. Translated by C.T. Indra & T. Srinivasan. The Literary Criterion
2019 “Translation as the interplay of the familiar and the exotic in A.K. Ramanujan’s Poems of Love and War. Representing the Exotic and the Familiar: Politics and Perception in Literature. Ed. Meenakshi Bharat & madhu Grover. pp.173- 185. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 978-90-272-0418-9.
2018 South Asian Literature in English: An Anthology. Editor. mainSprings publishers. ISBN 978-81-933803-8-3
2018 Womens Writing: An Anthology. Editor. mainSprings publishers. ISBN 978-81-933803-4-5.
2017 Gendered Spaces and the Performative Text: An Approach to Girish Karnads Naga-Mandala. Satya Nilayam. Intersections: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Gender. Issue no. 28 (Oct. 2015) pp. 55-63. ISSN 0972-5016
2017 Wordscapes: An Anthology of New Literatures. Edited with Dr. Aparna Srinivas. mainSprings pubishers. ISBN 978-81-930035-8-9.
2016 Writing the Nation: Historiography of Indian Theatre. Proceedings of the International Seminar on The Changing Contours of English Language and Literature. Ed. K. S. Lakshmi et al. pp. 56-61. Allied Publishers. ISBN 978-93-87380-00-4.
2016 Text as an Abstraction in Indian Theatre. Transnational Approach to Literary Studies. Ed. Dr. Archana Saradana. pp. 39-44. ISBN : 978-81-93086-81-0
2016 Shifting Perceptions: An Anthology of Womens Writing. Edited with Dr. V. Bharathi Harishankar. mainSprings publishers. ISBN 978-81-930035-5-8.
2015 Expanding Horizons: An Anthology of American and Postcolonial Literatures. Co-edited with Dr. Sumathi Shivakumar. mainSprings publishers. ISBN 978-81-930001-3-7.
2014 Some Approaches to Reading Na. Muthusamis Kattiyakkaran and Narkalikkarar. With K. Deepa and V. Shilpa. Four Tamil Plays. Ed. K. Latha et al. pp. 92-105. Stella Maris College and Orient Blackswan. ISBN 978-81-250-5499-3.
2010 Creating and Coding Performative Text with Dr. V. Bharathi Harishankar. LittCrit. 36.2 (June 2010) pp. 5-14. ISSN 0970-8049.