Dr.S.Nazareth Arockiamary, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,PGDMLT ,
Assistant Professor
Dr.S.NazarethArockiamaryM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., CRA., PGDMLT.,is Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science since 2015. Her Doctoral thesis is on “Cancer Biology” while her Master of Philosophy is in Life Science and Masters in Biochemistry. She has 14yrs and 6 months of teaching experience. Dr. Nazareth has a diploma in Clinical Research Development from Kriger International Academy, Canada. Her areas of interest include Cancer Biology, Nanoscience, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Herbal Therapy using Phytonutrients.
Publications and presentations
Paper publication – (07) International
Paper presentation- (15) State level, 5 – International
Poster presentation: 8
Article Publication: 1
Book Chapter Publication: 1