Ms.M. Maragathagowri, M.Sc., M.A.(French), Dip.CIDTT (Cambridge), DELF B2(Alliance
Francaise), PGDCA
Assistant Professor
Ms.M.Maragatha Gowri, M.A French., DELF B2(Alliance française ) ., C.I.D.T.T
Seasoned Assistant Professor, having more than 10 years’ experience in UG and PG courses in teaching French language and literature. Extensive knowledge in Linguistics, French Literature and grammar conventions, FLE trainer, Participates in continued learning through National and international conferences and professional research.
Published a paper on Les Méthodes innovantes d’enseignement/apprentissage de la langue et de littérature.
Executive committee Member in AITF (Association of Indian Teachers French),
Invited as Language Expert for French Dept Auditing, Board of studies and Board of studies in various Autonomous colleges .
Awarded by Prayatna Educational Society in collaboration with Alliance Francaise de Rouen and Quebec government office , Consulate General of Canada for training students in French Exams.