Dr.K. Panneerselvam, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET, SLET, Dip. In JMC, Dip. In Astrology
Assistant Professor
Dr.K.PANNEERSELVAM M.A.,Mphil.,phd.,NET&SET is an accomplished scholor and dedicated teacher of Tamil. He has over 15 years of teaching experience at both UG and PG level .His research in sangam literature and Tamil grammar his interest field in translation and computing linguistics. He has been Nominated for language Editor for the self learning material of Academic programmes of Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) He already completed P.G.Diploma in Astrology at Annamalai university 2016and P.G.Diploma in Journalism at Madurai Kamaraj University 1997.
Phd Thesis title:
Tamil language planning Research Interest : literary critisims in tamil Training course on evaluation in language and literature education 05.04.2003 CIIL , MYSORE.