Dr M.Alagusundarm M.Sc., SLET., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
P.G. & Research Department of Microbiology
Dr M.Alagusundarm, Associate Professor, is a Senior faculty in the P.G. & Research Department of Microbiology. He has as a total teaching experience of 29 years of UG and PG teaching with 23 years at the esteemed institution of Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science. A dedicated Educator cum Researcher has been a supervisor for more than 30 post graduate students and 10 M.Phil. scholars. His areas of specialization are Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics. A student friendly teacher, he has been an inspirational role model to his students through his exemplary academic discipline. He has published papers at the National and International conferences. He has served as an NSS Coordinator for more than six years and is at present one of the coordinators of scholarship committee .He was awarded Membership Title by the International Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Virologists. He was also conferred Fellowship by the Indian Association of Microbiologists. He has been the Managing Editor of the Scopus Indexed International Journal of Bio Medicine. He has had industrial collaborations with Trinity Institute of Biotech Kerala and Helini Biomolecules pertaining to the sequence of MDR1 genes of Candida. As a member of the Board of Studies he was a part of the syllabus framing committee for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Microbiology course. He had been appointed as a Subject Expert and Inspection Committee member for the course affiliation approval of the Microbiology Departments of Madras University affiliated colleges.