Dr. S. Balakrishnan M.Com., M.Phil., B.Ed., NET.,M.B.A.,Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Head
Dr. S. Balakrishnan is an Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, General, Shift II, at Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Chennai. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Madras in the field of Human Resource Management. He has qualified National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) in Commerce
Ph.D. Thesis Title: A Relationship between leadership qualities and organizational learning behavior of Employees – A Study with Reference to manufacturing companies in Chennai (Commerce)
His domain areas of teaching include Accounting, Tax Law, Financial Management, and Human Resource Management,
He has various publications in the field of Finance, HR, and Marketing and presented research papers at State and National Conferences.
Doctoral Committee Member, Dr. M. G. R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai. Question Paper Setter and External Examiner to Various Autonomous Colleges & External Examiner – University of Madras
Dr. S. Balakrishnan has 27 years of experience which spreads across both academic and administration.
Prior to joining Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Chennai, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Apollo College of Arts and Science & P G Assistant – Matric / CBSE Schools. Consultant – Accounts finalization, Audit and VAT Assessment – Trust, Partnership Firms and Private Ltd Companies.
Ph.D. Thesis Title:
A Relationship between leadership qualities and organizational learning behavior of employee – A study with reference to Manufacturing companies in Chennai
No. of National and International Articles Published – 3
No. of papers presented in International, National level conferences and seminars – 2